Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lovely family

Chez Brigit there are two humans and three cats. Here I show the fluffy side of this family:

Here's Ms. Mota. She came as a tiny and stealthily pregnant kitten. She had 5 more kittens soon afterward, of which 2 were adopted by us.

She is made of extreme cuteness (if I say so myself-ahem) and softness. She is also scared of strange humans.

Johny Walker- or Johny the cat with a baseball bat, takes *vocal* to new levels. He'll talk to you nonstop even while he's purring. He also opens my bedroom door and wakes me asking for food with nose kisses. Adorable bastard.

If you think that Ewok's gray belly is asking to be scratched it's because
Vets Beware: He has to be scratched all throughout the visit, so good luck checking out his pulse with his constant purring.
He's also known to manipulate vets into giving him all sorts of treats- even cheese- so be strong! Don't let Ewok's mind control powers get you.

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